All Day
Morning - 7 AM to 3:30 PM
Evening - 7 PM to 11:30 PM
SPG is proud to have foolproof catering and bar services for its members and their guests. It gives a real homely atmosphere with tongue twisting menu at the restaurant and can satisfy all types of ‘Khawayyas’. May it be Continental, Indian, or Chinese cuisine. A Variety of Snacks to suit all pockets. Homemade dishes are becoming a novelty of our SPG.
The Restaurant itself accommodates around 45-50 people at a time and the real fun of the evenings are not only on our lawn. It gives an absolutely different feeling enjoying evenings with friend, delicious dishes and cool Westside sea-breeze.
Our members now, have no more tension of arranging their Family Get together, running after hotels to hotels for their Party Halls, which are often too expensive. Our Said Big Terrace, on the level and another Small Terrace facing road on the same level only can easily accommodate around 50 people comfortably. Moreover the entire food and other arrangements, by the Member’s choice will be the Member’s privilege and all this at attractive, economical package.
Just for Members and their respectable guests.
SPG that way is unique.
Canteen Secretary
Mr. Ashutosh A. Joglekar
Canteen Sub Committee
- Mr.Dinesh Ganu
- Mr.Vinay Patil
- Mr.Mukesh Nagda